happy June—it’s been a while!
What perfect timing for eu2be to re-emerge, poised to enrich your skincare journey.
For many of us, June kicks off the very best time of year, when all of life stretches heavenward and the sun bears light so beautiful, that just being outdoors in your own skin induces a rhapsody of heartfelt gratitude.
While on hiatus, we re-discovered a few things…
We’re an award-winning skincare brand that most people haven’t heard of… yet.
We’re an outlier, embracing the body beautiful and what is treasured about being human—our creativity. So our philanthropy supports the arts.
We’re inspired by the power of the arts to transform us from the inside out as much as we believe in the efficacy of eu2be products to transform from the outside in.
We cherish human ingenuity to create beauty, customs, rituals, and traditions that sustain us, especially those related to skincare.
It is this rich heritage that sets our beloved, and now newly named, products apart: Keepsake Body Cream and Trove Replenishing Oil. They’re the best-kept skincare secrets among true skincare enthusiasts.
What hasn't changed...
Our elegant, unique formulas are designed to care for all skin, especially skin that needs extra attention.
More is more… of the longstanding, silent workhorse carrier oils that empower our formulas with skin-conditioning superpowers.
Prized through generations of skincare practice, carrier oils with nutrient-rich biomimetic lipids are responsible for delivering skin barrier health and benefits. And our products are brimming with them.
And what’s new? Golden Amends Balm.

Now through June 15, 2023, you'll get double rewards points for every purchase.
Translation: This gives you up to a $70 value toward your next order when you purchase all three of our skincare gems: Keepsake, Trove, and Golden Amends.
I am thrilled to introduce this truly amazing and timely salve for all people, all places on the body, and all the wrongdoings that affront our skin.
Especially during the summer, the list of skin infractions is long—cuts, scrapes, dryness, bites, burns, blisters, cracks, over-exposed, over-indulged— but so are the healing benefits and uses of Golden Amends Balm.
Head to toe, outdoors, indoors, cooking, gardening, fishing, hiking or simply standing in need of loving care, you need this balm.
Also new? Sustainable Packaging.
As mindful stakeholders in the care of our body Earth, eu2be ingredients are not only sustainably sourced, we switched our packaging to infinitely recyclable aluminum.
And best of all we’re back with more benefits: Our new rewards program lets you quickly and easily build points toward free eu2be products and gifts—because you’re worth it.
eu2be isn’t just another natural skincare brand, we’re an invitation—to care for the skin you have and to connect more deeply with your greatest assets—that extends to all skin types, bodies and ethnicities.
'You to be...?' It's a question to be answered. Who might you be in this moment
The answers don’t appear from thin air. But they do reveal themselves when we’re engaging with our bodies in acts of care. For within us dwells a reservoir of wisdom, strengths, and tools at the ready to address the day’s most pressing questions.
Our bodies need to feel cared for even when we fall short of bold ambitions to do so. But through our daily skincare regimen, all things are possible.